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The Lucky Print

Quality Paper Goods


Hi! My name is Katie Switow and I am the face behind The Lucky Print. I have been painting since I was a little girl and have finally found a way to share my creativity with the world. Having been born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky I've always appreciated the local charms of the South whether it be nature surroundings or southern traditions. When I went off to college in North Carolina I found myself looking for little pieces of home to have in my dorm room. Searching high and low, I never found something that really expressed what I wanted or where I was from. That is my mission with TLP! My brand is committed to providing products with fine watercolors that create an aesthetic for the consumer who loves to support local businesses and show their homegrown roots! I hope you enjoy the heart that I put into my products and the creativity that I strive to share with y'all. 

Brand positioning statement

The Lucky Print is a company that provides quality paper goods with unique designs that have homegrown roots. The brand is committed to providing products with fine watercolors that create an aesthetic for the consumer who loves to support local businesses!

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